Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Poor Aggies!

Texas A&M athletic director Bill Byrne has held an annual "state of the program" discussion with Aggie fans throughout his tenure. More than 1,200 people turned out for Byrne's most recent session earlier this month.

One of the most intriguing questions asked his reasoning for the Aggies' move last year from Nike to adidas as the department's primary apparel provider.

The San Antonio Express-News reported that Byrne detailed a meeting with a Nike representative in which he requested a similar deal as A&M's major rival, Texas.

Byrne said he was offended when the Nike official told him, "You're not as good as they are and you're probably never going to be." That blunt assessment, Byrne said, made his move to adidas easier. The adidas deal also provides more money for A&M than their Nike offer, Byrne said.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

plop plop NO FIZ

call me communist if you want, but I like my carbonated beverages flat. so!

NFL Draft

It's not sexy when a team takes an offensive lineman as the #1 overall pick in the draft. It has no cache and just kinda ruins things because you never notice o-linemen. He could be a big bust and you'd never know if he's not on your team.

It's also kinda lame when teams agree to a contract with a player before they make the pick on draft day. No speculation or possible trade ups by other teams. Boring.

So when a team (Dolphins) decides to take an o-lineman with the first pick and signs him (weeks?) before the draft, it's almost as unsexy as your parents getting it on.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Probably my all-time favorite dunker...

Just like Vince Carter, this guy was just insanely nasty. Odd that probably the 2 filthiest dunkers of all time just didn't have the drive to be actual great players. Oh well, I enjoy the dunks.

Monday, April 14, 2008


hey kids, I thought I'd post my support letter about Africa. It gives a little more detail about what I'll be doing over there and why. It also tells you a little bit about my experience with missions, and just generally who I am. I don't expect anyone to help with support, that's not the reason I'm posting it, but if you feel like you want to, I'll definitely appreciate it. More than anything, I just want you guys to be thinking and praying about the whole expereince. Thanks!

April 12, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

Hello! It’s been a while since we’ve talked, so I thought I would write you to let you know about a couple of big new developments going on in my life. I’m sure you know that I now live in Atlanta, Ga where I work at the newspaper as a graphic designer. I really enjoy my job and am so thankful for the opportunity to do something I love. It’s difficult to be away from home sometimes, but I love the chance I get to spread my wings and really explore what my place in the world is. I apologize for not keeping you more updated in this busy, exciting stage of my life.
One of the other major developments in my life since I’ve moved here is my involvement in a local church. I’ve been involved with church, to some degree, for most of my life, but have really begun to experience some new things and revaluate my idea of “church” since becoming involved at Buckhead Church. I really feel free here because Buckhead Church isn’t stuck in tradition or afraid to ask questions about why we do things related to church. Their desire to earnestly pursue a relationship with God has meant so much to me. Privileged
One of the way that Buckhead Church has influenced my change as a person is in the way of service. I have always been somewhat of a selfish person, and am still working on it, but have really began to put others above myself with the aid and encouragement of Buckhead Church and its programs. I am involved in a few programs here that reach a variety of people from children to the homeless.
I recently made a huge decision in this process of hopefully becoming more selfless by thinking of and helping those in need. I have decided to go on a, for lack of a better term, mission trip to Kenya from June 26th to July 6th to help some underprivileged children and villages. I hesitate to say “mission trip” because that always conjures up images of old fashion white protestant men going out to convert the weird, foreign heathens. Hopefully, that’s not what you think of, but honestly for me it is or at least was. I’ve never been big on pushing my beliefs on other people and feel that spirituality is such a sacred and personal thing that it seems ridiculously wrong to just insensitively force who I am upon someone else. I’ve always thought, how can I as a imperfect flawed person tell others how they should act and what they should believe.
My view of mission trips began to change when I met people through church that have actually been on mission trips and hearing their experiences. Missions for them has nothing to do with forcing who they are upon others or being perfect, but instead, loving others so much that they desire to meet the needs of those people who truly need it. In fact, none of the many many mission trips associated with Buckhead Church and its partners are specifically about sharing out our religious beliefs. They are essentially big service projects across the world, and all about loving your neighbor. This has me excited and is exactly why I have decided to become a part of that.
I’d like to tell you a little bit about my trip specifically and what we’ll be doing over in Kenya. The group I’m going with will be comprised of about 25 members of Buckhead Church and we are partnering with the 410 Bridge (, a really cool organization that aims to keep a constant presence in Kenya by organizing various churches and groups so that there is always someone there helping the people in Kenya in their daily life. Generally when people come over to help it’s kind of like a Santa Claus syndrome where we just show up, drop off some gifts and help a little and then leave and hope everything goes ok. 410 Bridge makes sure this doesn’t happen. Check out the website, it’s really cool, and you can see a short video of some things we might be doing there, as well as get info on all kinds of stuff like some of the villages we will be helping.
We will generally be based in Nairobi, but the villages will be helping in are Ngaamba and Githurai, which are both somewhat close to Nairobi.
In Ngaamba we will be assisting in phase 2 of the water project. We will be constructing Gabion walls for erosion protection for the water project. Which means that the rock walls will help keep the rivers from flooding. We will possibly begin construction of a secondary school.
In Githurai at the Havilla Children's Home we will be constructing new dormitory building for the kids, new classrooms, furnishings for new home, dining hall and kitchen building. This project is unique and will be a one-time service opportunity.
Kenya is currently going through tremendous turmoil as they struggle to cope with a controversial presidential election. Currently over 1,000 people have died and over 300,000 people have been displaced because of the violence following the December 27 election. God has truly placed these people and their situation on my heart and I can’t wait to serve him there.
Another reason I am writing this letter is because I need your support in whatever way that may manifest itself. If you pray, please do so for us. If you light incense and rub crystals, then light it up for us. But most of all, I would love you to be at least thinking about me, my team and the people of Kenya.
In addition I invite you to support our group financially if you feel led to do so. Each of us must raise $3,500 by June 6th. I also have to get about $700 worth of shots and immunizations and pills just to go over there. If you feel led to make a financial gift, please make the check out to Buckhead Church and mail to the below address. All contributions are tax deductible as long as you don’t put my name on the check and every little bit is greatly appreciated! I definitely don’t have the means to go over there on my own. There is also the option to donate online by visiting Buckhead Church’s Missions website at and click “Donate Now”. (That method is also tax deductible I believe.) On the country select Kenya and then on the trip, select “Kenya Buckhead Anyone, Dates June 26th – July 6th.”
It’s kind of tricky, you would need to indicate that the money is going towards my part of the trip cost, but if you intend to write it off on your taxes, my name cannot be on the check. Crazy government! I feel kind of bad asking you for money, but the only thing that makes it a little easier for me is that I know that it’s not really for me, it’s for the people of Kenya. You’re helping me help others, and that’s pretty cool. So whatever way you might choose to help this cause, I greatly appreciate it!

If you would like to partner with my Kenya mission trip team through giving, you can do so two ways:

* By Check:
1. Checks should be made out to Buckhead Church
2. Memo Line should read: Kenya June 26th – July 6th
3. Mail check to me at 4735 Roswell Rd. NE, apt. 221 Atlanta, GA 30342
* By Online Contribution: The church has created a secure way for you to donate online. You can do this by:

1. Going to
2. Clicking on ‘Donate Now’.
3. Once you get to this page, PLEASE be sure to properly allocate the funds by choosing the following at the GlobalX Trip Information part of the page.
o Country: Kenya
o Trip: Kenya Buckhead Anyone – 06/26/08 - 07/06/08
o Individual: Your Name


Michael Bergman

4735 Roswell Rd NE. Apt 221

Atlanta, Ga. 30342


Monday, April 7, 2008

Lo siento

Sorry I've been outta touch lately kids. I've been so busy. I have a girlfriend, who's awesome and I'm getting ready for Africa and all kinds of other stuff. Hopefully I'll be back soon. Any suggestions on the next post?