What's your definition of a man? Is it the same today as it was 10 years ago? Do you pick and choose aspects from different eras in history and from different cultural groups in today's society?
Is a man defined by skills? physical strength? earning power? sexual prowess?
If I can't change your tire am I useless?
"Sorry honey, I guess we'll have to call a plumber because I'm not actually a man."
Manhood seems awfully works-based.
We are expected to provide, but must be careful of taking any ownership of that trait because it can be easily misconstrued as chauvinism.
Are poor men castrated?
Are there no men in ghettos?
Do circumstances strip you of your gender?
"Sorry um....sir? You have been denied this loan because of your credit/ gender confusion."
What about a "man" who moves to America to make a better life for him and his family?
His earning power increases only to find him judged by a new cultures definition of wealthy.
So is he a man inside his household and culture, but less of one to the rest of society?
Should we do a financial analysis before I ask you out?
I'll save you the trouble and keep quiet.
What does a man look like?
If he isn't talk dark and handsome is he less of one?
How many crunches do I need to do before I can qualify?
If men are strong and have muscles, how do we rectify the apparent vanity of body builders?
It's ok to look like a man, but not manly to care about how you look?
Is vanity gender specific? Or acceptable in one gender and not the other?
Is metro a bad word?
Is the term "man-boobs" still an oxymoron?
Do men cry?
How many tears are too many?
One more drop and you're a sissy.
I think the cure wrote a song about this "Boys Don't Cry"
But that guy wears make up and isn't in shape so what does he know?
Let's keep hiding.
Could you please tell me the exact level of in-touch with my feminine side I need to be at to maintain manliness while relating to you?
Why don't women have to have a masculine side?
"How'd you know he was the one? "
"Oh, when he hit that home run to win the game and then took me out for steak afterwards, I knew he was the one"
Is Michael Jordan more of a man than Spud Webb?
If Tom Brady has 3 times as many championship rings as Peyton Manning, is he 3 times the man?
Man up Peyton! And tell your sister Eli to stop embarrassing herself.
Ever wonder why Viagra pills are blue?
Penis pills for men . Blue = Men.
Me Tarzan, you Jane.
Does size matter?
Or is that a little game we play with ourselves?
Better gimme another inch just to be safe.
We alone are responsible for your orgasm. That's only fair right?
And should that even matter since we're only having sex for my sake?
Don't worry guys, if you aren't good in bed, you can make it up to her in other ways.
Like buying her stuff or being a handy man...oh wait.
Women have sex to get intimacy.
Men have sex because they're savage animals with one, and only one thing on the brain.
Please define me!
Please step on me on your way to "equality"
Please get caught up on generalizations and ignore the issues.
Ramble young man, ramble!

did you write that yourself? if so, you should do more. if not, it doesnt matter, its still quite genius. also, i agree with it, even if im not a man, and acknowledge that i may not fully understand. but fyi, youre a fantastic man hopefully you werent doubting that.
I did write it. thanks. yeah I doubt it a lot.
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