Thursday, February 28, 2008
Publix is cool
So I was in Publix last night and they played a new Radiohead song over the store speaker thing. That's hella-cool. What's even cooler is that it wasn't the radio single out right now. Publix is representing with deeper tracks yo!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Christianity and Politics!
This is pretty interesting article in today's AJC (my place of employment) dealing with evangelicals and our voting tendencies. Also it has some references to my fav. place... Austin, TX yall! Please read and comment...
Evangelicals not looking at just one candidate
Christian activists: Political experts say voters reflect generational differences but their faith remains important.
By Eileen E. Flynn
Cox News Service
Published on: 02/25/08
Austin, Texas —- They gathered late on a Tuesday night, as they usually do, in a quiet upstairs room in Opal Divine's, a downtown Austin restaurant. The group of mostly 20- and 30-something Christians drank iced tea, red wine and Belgian ale and traded thoughts about the war in Iraq, abortion and immigration reform.
Some of them support Sen. John McCain for president. Some are torn between Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. All said their Christian faith informs the decision they will make in the voting booth.
The previous afternoon, about a dozen people had gathered in bright sunshine in front of the Governor's Mansion to say that former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee represented the best choice for Christians. Only Huckabee, they said, could save a country drifting toward socialism and secular humanism, protect the borders from criminals and take a stand for unborn babies. The two gatherings represent what could be a widening divergence among evangelical Christian voters that sets this election apart. Evangelicals mobilized behind President Bush in 2000 and 2004, but some observers say 2008 is revealing a more complex and nuanced picture of traditional Christians.
At the moment, no candidate can lay sole claim to the evangelical vote, said Michael Lindsay, a sociology professor at Rice University in Houston.
"2008 will go down as a real milestone in evangelicals' political activism," said Lindsay, whose book "Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite" portrays evangelicals as far more diverse and sophisticated than the stereotype of the right-wing fundamentalist.
The ideological divide seems to form along generational lines, says evangelical Christian writer Tony Campolo of Pennsylvania.
Evangelicals 40 and older tend to vote for the most socially conservative candidate and rally around issues like abortion and same-sex marriage, he said, but evangelicals under 40 are defining a new set of political priorities, with poverty and the environment at the top of the list. That means even on evangelical college campuses, usually havens for conservative thought, Clinton and Obama are finding support, Campolo said.
But that shift doesn't signify a change of heart on moral concerns, he said. Young evangelicals, he said, "still think abortion is immoral. They still think that homosexual marriage is not within their purview of truth. But they see these as not the overriding issues as older people do."....
Evangelicals not looking at just one candidate
Christian activists: Political experts say voters reflect generational differences but their faith remains important.
By Eileen E. Flynn
Cox News Service
Published on: 02/25/08
Austin, Texas —- They gathered late on a Tuesday night, as they usually do, in a quiet upstairs room in Opal Divine's, a downtown Austin restaurant. The group of mostly 20- and 30-something Christians drank iced tea, red wine and Belgian ale and traded thoughts about the war in Iraq, abortion and immigration reform.
Some of them support Sen. John McCain for president. Some are torn between Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. All said their Christian faith informs the decision they will make in the voting booth.
The previous afternoon, about a dozen people had gathered in bright sunshine in front of the Governor's Mansion to say that former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee represented the best choice for Christians. Only Huckabee, they said, could save a country drifting toward socialism and secular humanism, protect the borders from criminals and take a stand for unborn babies. The two gatherings represent what could be a widening divergence among evangelical Christian voters that sets this election apart. Evangelicals mobilized behind President Bush in 2000 and 2004, but some observers say 2008 is revealing a more complex and nuanced picture of traditional Christians.
At the moment, no candidate can lay sole claim to the evangelical vote, said Michael Lindsay, a sociology professor at Rice University in Houston.
"2008 will go down as a real milestone in evangelicals' political activism," said Lindsay, whose book "Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite" portrays evangelicals as far more diverse and sophisticated than the stereotype of the right-wing fundamentalist.
The ideological divide seems to form along generational lines, says evangelical Christian writer Tony Campolo of Pennsylvania.
Evangelicals 40 and older tend to vote for the most socially conservative candidate and rally around issues like abortion and same-sex marriage, he said, but evangelicals under 40 are defining a new set of political priorities, with poverty and the environment at the top of the list. That means even on evangelical college campuses, usually havens for conservative thought, Clinton and Obama are finding support, Campolo said.
But that shift doesn't signify a change of heart on moral concerns, he said. Young evangelicals, he said, "still think abortion is immoral. They still think that homosexual marriage is not within their purview of truth. But they see these as not the overriding issues as older people do."....
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
sad realization
so I was riding the train today and I fell asleep. I mean seriously asleep. when I woke up, I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know if I was riding the train to work in the morning or home in the afternoon. I seriously had to wait until we got to the next station and figure out what direction we were going before I knew. As you can imagine I was pretty darn dissapointed whenever I figured out I was going to work and still had a whole day ahead of me. It's one of dem days.
10 random things about me...
1. I was in Current Events Test, Extemporanious Speaking & Debate during H.S. and yes I was a master.
2. I like carrots but only if they're raw and I like onions but only if they're cooked.
3. I used to love Ace of Base ... wait, used to?
4. My shoe size is 13
5. I wax my eyebrows
6. I love soccer.
7. my favorite ninja turtle is Michaelangelo... obviously
8. I have 2 tattoos.
9. I was artist of the year in h.s.
10. I had a cross country long distance relationship.
2. I like carrots but only if they're raw and I like onions but only if they're cooked.
3. I used to love Ace of Base ... wait, used to?
4. My shoe size is 13
5. I wax my eyebrows
6. I love soccer.
7. my favorite ninja turtle is Michaelangelo... obviously
8. I have 2 tattoos.
9. I was artist of the year in h.s.
10. I had a cross country long distance relationship.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
running list of daily thoughts:
1. he is in control... rest.
2. I wanna give up and move to europe
3. In Rainbows, by Radiohead is EFFING AMAZING!
4. glad I got tix to the Radiohead concert, annoyed that all I could get was lawn seats.
5. wish Kanye/Rhianna/NERD/Lupe Fiasco wasn't so expensive. Ditto for Bonnarroo*
6. Explosions in the Sky tix were cheap and will probably be the best show of all of them.
7. I desperately want God to grant me the ability to NOT think about girls and romantic relationships in ANY way for at least a month.
8. I love the NBA
to be continued...
2. I wanna give up and move to europe
3. In Rainbows, by Radiohead is EFFING AMAZING!
4. glad I got tix to the Radiohead concert, annoyed that all I could get was lawn seats.
5. wish Kanye/Rhianna/NERD/Lupe Fiasco wasn't so expensive. Ditto for Bonnarroo*
6. Explosions in the Sky tix were cheap and will probably be the best show of all of them.
7. I desperately want God to grant me the ability to NOT think about girls and romantic relationships in ANY way for at least a month.
8. I love the NBA
to be continued...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day e'rbody!
Here's a creative little video I found. Good song too.
check out the website it talks about also, it's a cool project where pple send in anonymous homemade postcards with their confessions. some really creative stuff.
check out the website it talks about also, it's a cool project where pple send in anonymous homemade postcards with their confessions. some really creative stuff.
Need some some inspiration? try duck.
something about the combo of this song and the movie makes me laugh.
women are goalies too
Friday, February 8, 2008
Ok, it's official, The Grammy's are retarded....
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Promises promises
Ok, so someone reminded me that I promised to talk about some specific stuff in one of my older posts. "I've got lots to say about music, design, art, God, family, dating, religion, atlanta and more!". But I don't really feel like being long winded, so I'm gonna give you some fairly quick hits on each topic:
1. music - the grammys are weird. I'm really impressed by some of their selections (Feist, Amy Winehouse, and to some degree The Foo Fighters). But at the same time, they're so predictable (major raido play artists do well, old legends do well, tribute albums are all kinds of popular, and they think stuff is way edgier than it is) and even though I'm happy with some of the nominations, I know the winners will annoy me overall.
Radiohead album - way better than last few, but they'll never make Ok Computer again.
Band of Horses & Cold War Kids - both bands that I like with a interesting sound, but neither has an album that I wanna listen to all the way through very often.
Common's new album is a little dissapointing as is Iron & Wine's
Lil' Wayne -Da Drought 3. very cool. very very offensive
Tokyo Police Club - brilliant! but gimme a full album and maybe make the songs a little longer
2. design - I put some of my work on here. check it! and Kanye has a lot of great stuff on his blog
3. art - I've put examples and links to lots of great artist on my blog, check it!
4. God - big topic, little space. basically I've been pretty impressed with how much God is in control. I have lots of trouble giving him control, and acknowledging that he knows what's best for my life, but I'm learning. His faithfulness is amazing.
5. family - i love my family. it's tough being away from them so often, but best I think. I wish I knew how to help them and myself at the same time. A mother's love, devotion and selflessness is probably the most miraculous thing in the world (well at least my mom's). It rocks me to my core.
6. dating - I am confused as ever about love and girls themselves. the last girl I dated just totally effed with my mind. and I'm totally fine now, but I just don't get girls. I like kissing though. but I'm not a slut. mostly.
7. religion - gets too much blame and too much credit. it's complicated. Love GOD!
8. Atlanta - good place, not a great place. But the pple so far are awesome. But why doesn't Atlanta just embrace who it is? They wanna be the NYC of the south and they brag about having the olympics while NYC hasn't. Atlanta is NOTHING like NYC and in a lot of ways that's good. Atlanta's kinda pretentious too. Chill out ATL.
9. more - um running is pretty monotonous*. not enough pple read my blog. Moe's sucks HARD CORE! I miss Austin. I love lamp. I wish the Pats had won. I'm spoiled but I think Mack Brown is losing his recruiting touch. The Suns/ Shaq trade is dumb. I need more artsy friends. I want more tattoos. I like BBQ, but GA's is kinda weak.
1. music - the grammys are weird. I'm really impressed by some of their selections (Feist, Amy Winehouse, and to some degree The Foo Fighters). But at the same time, they're so predictable (major raido play artists do well, old legends do well, tribute albums are all kinds of popular, and they think stuff is way edgier than it is) and even though I'm happy with some of the nominations, I know the winners will annoy me overall.
Radiohead album - way better than last few, but they'll never make Ok Computer again.
Band of Horses & Cold War Kids - both bands that I like with a interesting sound, but neither has an album that I wanna listen to all the way through very often.
Common's new album is a little dissapointing as is Iron & Wine's
Lil' Wayne -Da Drought 3. very cool. very very offensive
Tokyo Police Club - brilliant! but gimme a full album and maybe make the songs a little longer
2. design - I put some of my work on here. check it! and Kanye has a lot of great stuff on his blog
3. art - I've put examples and links to lots of great artist on my blog, check it!
4. God - big topic, little space. basically I've been pretty impressed with how much God is in control. I have lots of trouble giving him control, and acknowledging that he knows what's best for my life, but I'm learning. His faithfulness is amazing.
5. family - i love my family. it's tough being away from them so often, but best I think. I wish I knew how to help them and myself at the same time. A mother's love, devotion and selflessness is probably the most miraculous thing in the world (well at least my mom's). It rocks me to my core.
6. dating - I am confused as ever about love and girls themselves. the last girl I dated just totally effed with my mind. and I'm totally fine now, but I just don't get girls. I like kissing though. but I'm not a slut. mostly.
7. religion - gets too much blame and too much credit. it's complicated. Love GOD!
8. Atlanta - good place, not a great place. But the pple so far are awesome. But why doesn't Atlanta just embrace who it is? They wanna be the NYC of the south and they brag about having the olympics while NYC hasn't. Atlanta is NOTHING like NYC and in a lot of ways that's good. Atlanta's kinda pretentious too. Chill out ATL.
9. more - um running is pretty monotonous*. not enough pple read my blog. Moe's sucks HARD CORE! I miss Austin. I love lamp. I wish the Pats had won. I'm spoiled but I think Mack Brown is losing his recruiting touch. The Suns/ Shaq trade is dumb. I need more artsy friends. I want more tattoos. I like BBQ, but GA's is kinda weak.
The torch has been passed...
rated somewhere in the neighborhood of "R"
This dude is crazy retarded genius funny!
watch his special on comedy central, it's even better than these videos.
This dude is crazy retarded genius funny!
watch his special on comedy central, it's even better than these videos.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Superbowl Commercials
Here are my top 10.
1. Audi (Godfather)
2. Doritos (rat trap)
3. Bud Light (fire breathing)
4. Bud Light (flying)
5. Vitamin Water (shaq jockey)
6. Tide (talking stain)
7. Coke (balloons)
8. Planters (unibrow)
9. Victoria's Secret (adriana lima!!!)
10. Pepsi (Timberlake)
Bottom 4.
Sales Genie (animation)
Sobe Life Water (dancing geckos)
Gatorade (Jeter)
GMC Yukon (animation)
Other notes: That new Angelina Jolie movie looks AWESOME! As does the new Narnia movie.
1. Audi (Godfather)
2. Doritos (rat trap)
3. Bud Light (fire breathing)
4. Bud Light (flying)
5. Vitamin Water (shaq jockey)
6. Tide (talking stain)
7. Coke (balloons)
8. Planters (unibrow)
9. Victoria's Secret (adriana lima!!!)
10. Pepsi (Timberlake)
Bottom 4.
Sales Genie (animation)
Sobe Life Water (dancing geckos)
Gatorade (Jeter)
GMC Yukon (animation)
Other notes: That new Angelina Jolie movie looks AWESOME! As does the new Narnia movie.
Friday, February 1, 2008
my work!

Hey kids, so I'm a graphic designer and I thought I'd post something I'm working on right now. I can't give you all the details because it hasn't been approved or released yet but it may or may not be for a race here in Atlanta that may or may not take place around July 4th. The logo is not on the design for that reason and because the higher ups can't make a decision. Anyways, I'd love for you guys to comment and critique on it. I'm always trying to get better, so don't pull any punches. Holla!
I think the best thing about marriage will be not having to think about girls any more... or as much? ... what the crap, we're all doomed!
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