Hey kids, so I'm a graphic designer and I thought I'd post something I'm working on right now. I can't give you all the details because it hasn't been approved or released yet but it may or may not be for a race here in Atlanta that may or may not take place around July 4th. The logo is not on the design for that reason and because the higher ups can't make a decision. Anyways, I'd love for you guys to comment and critique on it. I'm always trying to get better, so don't pull any punches. Holla!
What up duder! JT here, and I like what you've got going on so far. Though the dude looks like the tennis champ Novak Djokovic. So the first thing I thought when I saw it was, "cool, Djokovic is finally getting some time in the sun" - it wasn't anything related to running. And if the higher ups have a theme in mind (ie. color scheme due to the 4th of July, or "breast cancer awareness", etc.) I'd try to work that in symetrically on the lower right corner to balance out the street octapus. But you're way better at this than me, so I'm sure you're already on it... like a... umm... like a boob junkie with a high speed connection. :] peas bra (and maybe some carrots)
thanks JT!
Here is a little more explanation of the piece for anyone interested:
The logo will be placed somewhere on this piece. This is basically a concept piece that kind of demonstrates the feel and image that we are trying to use for multiple elements of the race media. What I was asked to do was to create a feel that was more in-your-face and modern, like Nike and Gatorade. We want to update the feel of the race, and make it more professional. In the past it's had kind of a fun, local, almost whimsical tone to it. My directors want to play up the fact that it's a serious race and that it's world famous. We're looking at the race itself as a challenge, not just an excuse to get a t-shirt. So the artwork is kind of intense and dramatic. The road octopus stuff is just kind of a decoration and framing element that will give each piece that kind of wild, organic, grunge look. The picture of the athlete will change with each piece probably.
What do you like or dislike about it? what would you change?
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