Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm going here...

this is the website of the parent organization organizing or facilitating the mission trip I'm going on in June/July:
If you go to the "where we serve" and go to the Joska village, you can see a really cool video. I'm going to Ngaamba, but you can get an idea. I'm getting stoked! Pray for Kenya and yer boy!


Anonymous said...

Heyyy my giraffe is in that picture!!!! So what exactly are you gonna be doin?

vedderisbetter said...

I told you it ain't your giraffe!

I don't know the details yet, I'll let you know.

audreyrenae said...

comment number five!!! I'll change my font from neon green if you get me a giraffe. you know it's a fair trade.