Wednesday, November 21, 2007

10 Albums/Songs/Artists you NEED to hear!

4. Mew (artist) Frengers / And the Glass Handed Kites (albums) - I've talked about these guys in other blogs and notes before, and still no one has commented or talked to me about how they've come to love them based on my suggestion. However, I'm gonna keep beating the drum. They're an awesome band that sounds like an electronic, rock, fairy tale. Their music is both epic and beautiful without being sleepy or too high brow. Some of the best songs are "Zookeeper's Boy", "She Came Home for Christmas", "156" and "Chinaberry Tree". But honestly all of their songs offer something unique, cool and beautiful. If you have to pick one album, go with Frengers it's a little better, plus the explanation of the name is funny. Not quite friends, not quite strangers = Frengers. Haha. See! These guys are good. Check it out!


sassyassy said...

i will agree with this one.

Anonymous said...

Great work.