Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My werk pt. dos

Alright kiddos, here is some more of my graphic design that I've done at the AJC. Let me know what you think. Be honest. brutally honest.

Here's a piece that started out much more modern and clean but was changed through a number of revisions into this. I don't hate it, I mean it works, I just like the previous version a little better. I'm still proud of it though. My previous idea is below it.

Next are a couple of ads we did for a promotion with the Braves. I was really proud of this one. I had less creative restrictions and the campaign was huge. It included: print elements (in the paper, posters at Turner field), online elements (banner advertisements on and, and email blasts), a tv slide that would pop up during the games while you were watching, and some of it was even seen on the LED boards and jumbo-tron at Turner Field. I was very proud.

This was a print ad for this contest we had to promote school spirit. I liked it, it was a good collaborative effort.

Finally, this project was fairly frustrating. I created a look that I thought was very creative, classy and unique. My problem is that I created it for a bunch of auto dealers, a group for whom those words have never been used to describe. They thought it was weird and slightly trashy because of the Vegas reference in the sign. I hope you agree that the eventually design is much more gaudy and "trashy" but whatever, it's the biz. The first was my original design, the second is what they eventually went with. The designs I chose were a flyer, but there were multiple print executions.


Brooke said...

i am so impressed cool mo dee! :)

i love all the work! i really like the foot one...both versions. very clever!

looks like you are doing awesome my friend!

JT said...

palabra duder! Again you amaze me with all the talent (it'd be nice if I had some of it... so stop hordin' it all) I really like all the work - one thought with the redesigned foot one ~ instead of having the info on just blank sheets of paper, is there anyway to make it look like an actual medical report that doesn't make the important info super hard to read? maybe mess with the opacity or something? I dunno. Oh, and I totally liked your (vegas touched) version that the auto dealers didn't. Great work!

vedderisbetter said...

thanks for the kind words kids!