Monday, March 10, 2008

Random thoughts from the weekend...

1. Indian food is very good if you get the right thing. The rice is different, and gooood.
2. 10,000 B.C. was a BAD movie.
3. Texas won the Big 12 regular season championship and my favorite NBA team (Phoenix) beat my least favorite team (San Antonio) , so it was a good basketball weekend.
4. Lindsey has cool style and is attractive.
5. Trivial Pursuit isn't fun when you're getting hosed by the question selection gods.
6. I ate pretty heartily and heavily, I gotta chill and get more consistent in my workout.
7. my phone broke. me angry.
8. I can't roller skate and I wish I could.
9. lust is bad.
10. I love my small group fellas.

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