Monday, February 4, 2008

Superbowl Commercials

Here are my top 10.

1. Audi (Godfather)
2. Doritos (rat trap)
3. Bud Light (fire breathing)
4. Bud Light (flying)
5. Vitamin Water (shaq jockey)
6. Tide (talking stain)
7. Coke (balloons)
8. Planters (unibrow)
9. Victoria's Secret (adriana lima!!!)
10. Pepsi (Timberlake)

Bottom 4.

Sales Genie (animation)
Sobe Life Water (dancing geckos)
Gatorade (Jeter)
GMC Yukon (animation)

Other notes: That new Angelina Jolie movie looks AWESOME! As does the new Narnia movie.

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